Sunday, June 8, 2008

8 June 08

8 June 2008

So i'v been in texas at tech school for almost an entire week and i absolutly love every bit of this new life. well first off for all of you who don't know i'm in wichitaw falls texas for the job training portion of my airforce career. my mail adress is as follows

E-1 Maher Joseph P
527 I AVE. #3165
SAFB, TX 76311

So now all of you can reach me by mail. for those of you who would like to call me go ahead and emil me or contact my famil. they should be able to tell you what my phone number is.

Life here in tech school is a little bit mor fru than it was in BMT. i honestly and finally feel like i belong somewheres. for all of you out there that don'e know what that feels like , heres a little example, have you ever accomplished something that was so hard everyone was telling you that it wasn't going to happen and even you yourself weren't quite sure that it was accually going to work or or be compleeted? well now remember that feeling you got when you did it. you made the impossible possible. that's what it feels like to feel that you are where and doing what you are supposed to be doing with ur life. i wish eveyone the best and am continually praying that everyone is able to someday find that feeling in their life. love to all and check back sometime this week for more updates.
Airman Maher


Unknown said...

Great to hear from you!!! xx wsgm

Student Nurse said...

Afgan - Just wrote to you. For those of us who have seen you since Basic...we see the transformation. Oh the places you will go!

Remember to watch out for the "you know who's" especially when you are in uniform. Will be checking your blog regularly. Keep writing. It's a good for you! So very proud of million times so..

God bless and keep you close to Him.
